“Cozy” – Written by Robert Dunlap
Recorded and Performed by: Little Man
Slim Dunlap is a true legend. My wife Brigid introduced me to him and The Replacements and we’ve been out to see Slim play together. His connection with The Turf Club, the SPMC, Rob Rule and his late wife Leah made that connection stronger for us. I spoke with him backstage at a show and was taken by surprise as he spoke about my own music and the Little Man songs he liked. Very kind and very much in tune to the local scene. Such a great guitar player.
I chose Cozy because Brigid and I have a cozy little hide away of our own outside of the Twin Cities in Wisconsin. It’s quite remote. We got married there. The place is very dear to us. I do sing “ A Little House” on a line in my interpretation to make it more personal. I heard Cozy for the first time at one of Rob Rules infamous party’s. I ran up to him and asked who it was and Rob told me it was Slim Dunlap. The song was very dear to Rob and Leah because they too had a cozy place out in the country. I love the Rolling Stones-like chords and the vocals on Cozy have a Tom Petty quality that I really dig. Just electric guitars and me singing with some percussion keeps my version intimate and … cozy.
For me, on a deeper personal level, this song is about security and feeling safe in a space far away from the “outside world“. The feeling one gets when you want to hide and disconnect from everything, which is of course is impossible, but it’s a feeling and you can get used to that. I also like that the person in the song is not alone but has a companion. Two people together sharing this feeling and this place.
Thank you Slim. You’re in our hearts.
– Chris Perricelli