Slim Town Singles is a cooperative, online musical tribute to our hometown musical hero Bob “Slim” Dunlap, founded to encourage and coordinate efforts of the Minnesota music community in supporting his long term recovery and care. Slim Town Singles is honored to present music inspired by Slim and performed by the many friends, family and fans he has throughout the Minnesota music community and beyond. All songs made available via Slim Town are productions donated by the artists themselves, with downloads offered for sale at a “pay what you like” price. All proceeds from download sales go directly to support Slim’s care and recovery.
Beloved for his generous spirit as well as his considerable musical talents, singer-songwriter and former Replacements guitarist Bob “Slim” Dunlap suffered a massive right brain stroke in February of 2012. His recovery was hampered by the resulting fall, which caused a hemorrhage in his left brain and was further complicated by extensive brain swelling. He was hospitalized for nine months and his recovery has been slow – hindered by pain, paralysis of the left side and the inability to swallow. He is continually moving between hospital and home and being cared for by his family and a team of aides, nurses and therapists.
While challenged by health issues, one of Slim’s greatest pleasures is hearing music performed by his friends. Slim Town Singles hopes to provide much needed relief for Slim and his family, both musical and financial. Slim has given a lifetime of love, support and music to the Minnesota music community. Now is our chance to give back.
Since December 2013, Slim Town Singles has presented musical tributes from Slim’s many friends and admirers in the largely Minnesotan but ultimately borderless music community. From original songs inspired by Slim to covers of some of his favorite songs, all Slim Town Singles are intended to brighten Slim’s day, and are available for download purchase at a “pay what you like” price. All proceeds directly support Slim’s care. Thanks for listening!